Monday, March 25, 2013

One Of Those Ecard Daze: Smartphone God

It's been one of those days; one of those dazes. There's many ways to measure the success of your endless day before the keyboard, many of them with the dry wit of someecards.  Here's mine:

Hear ye, hear ye.


  1. It's probably a good thing I don't have a smart phone, since it wouldn't have a smart user to operate it. Certainly not a God!

    1. Its wealth of intelligence makes for the dearth of, maybe less of a god, and more of a hyperbolically satisfied customer. :P

  2. There are days where I find my smartphone to be incredibly handy...but I'd say 90% of the time I wish I didn't have a phone at all.

    1. Oh, man - without its timers, calendars, countdowns, alerts, and list functions, I probably would not be able to function as an adult outside of an assisted-living facility. Thank you, smartphone, for being the organizational mastermind I never will be.

  3. YES. This is perfect. All of it. Daze day.

  4. It's almost time for my upgrade. AKA my smart phone is two years old. AkA it's useless.
    so, I hardly use the piece of junk anymore.
    holding out for the iPhone 5s. Because we all know the day I buy the 5 the 5s will come out the next day.
